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Patient & Public Involvement in Research

People whose have lives are affected by cancer can offer cancer researchers and clinicians a unique and valuable insight into the needs of patients and people affected by cancer - this is why Patient & Public Involvement (PPI) in cancer research is so important

OCTO is committed to engaging with members of the public throughout each of our trials. Being involved can include:

  • Helping to decide where clinical trials are needed
  • Input on how trials are designed and run
  • Assisting researchers with grant applications to secure funding for new trials
  • Reviewing documentation which will be provided to potential trial participants
  • Sitting on steering or oversight groups for clinical trials
  • Taking part in training events for trial staff or future PPI representatives
  • Helping to communicate the results and findings from completed trials
  • Helping to publicise ongoing trials

OCTO is part of Oxford Cancer and so we work with the Oxford Cancer Patient and Public Advisory Group to appoint PPI representatives to our trials -  their input is valuable from  conception to completion of the trial.

If you’d like to become involved with PPI on OCTO Trials, or in other capacities in Oxford Cancer research, please follow this link for further information: