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Mentoring is a powerful personal development process that can be an effective way of helping staff to progress in their careers and life more generally. It is a confidential non-judgmental relationship that can facilitate a wide range of learning and development.

RECOGNISE is an interdepartmental mentoring scheme run in partnership with the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences (NDS). Available to all staff and third year DPhil students, mentoring is a voluntary arrangement through which an experienced individual, outside the normal working relationship, holds regular meetings and discussions and takes a personal interest in guiding and supporting the development of a less experienced person in progression within and beyond their immediate role.

Some mentoring occurs naturally and informally in the workplace, but it usually needs some coordination to ensure that it happens for all those who want mentoring. RECOGNISE has been developed to provide that coordination and actively facilitate the building of relationships across NDS
and Oncology units.

 If you are interested in joining the scheme, as a mentor or as a mentee, please email