Training and development
Some information on the training and development opportunities available to you as a member of our Department.
Mandatory Training
All staff are required to complete the Health & Safety Induction, Building Induction, Information Security Awareness (online access via SSO), Anti-Harassment and Bullying and Implicit Bias training. The latter two are covered in your New Starters Event.
We run a Departmental Staff Mentoring Scheme and there is also the opportunity to join the Divisional Peer Mentoring Scheme which is specifically for research staff.
The Medical Sciences Division (MSD) Researchers' Toolkit aims to support you during your research.
Other courses aimed at researchers include MSD Skills Training, and training from the Safety Office to manage work-related hazards.
If you are a new PI, Group Leader or Team Manager, there is a 'New Managers' Toolkit' available to help guide and support you as a new manager. Visit the People and Organisational Development website for more information.
The Careers Service provides advice and information about career options and job applications, and run regular events and programmes to support research staff and students as well as alumni.
Work Learn Develop Apprenticeship programmes provide funded professional training and development opportunities for staff. Training courses cover skill areas that are core to University administration as well as some technical and niche skills areas. All courses are accredited and offer professional and job-related qualifications. More information.
There is a 'New Managers' Toolkit available' for professional and support staff to help guide and support you if you are joining the Department with line management duties. Visit the People and Organisational Development website for more information.
We run regular Departmental training throughout the year, opportunities are advertised via our Newsletter and uploaded to Inkpath. The University also has training and development provisions for staff, including People and Organisational Development, The IT Learning Centre and The Language Centre. View full list here.
LinkedIn Learning
Once you're all set up with your Oxford email address, you can access thousands of online video-based courses through LinkedIn Learning