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Antibody-based Imaging of Bioreductive Prodrug Release in Hypoxia

Journal article

Tosun C. et al, (2023), JACS Au

Hypoxia-induced transcriptional stress is mediated by ROS-induced R-loops

Journal article

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How the histological structure of some lung cancers shaped almost 70 years of radiobiology.

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Worth KR. et al, (2023), Br J Cancer, 128, 407 - 412

Two Color Imaging of Different Hypoxia Levels in Cancer Cells.

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Wallabregue ALD. et al, (2023), J Am Chem Soc, 145, 2572 - 2583

A fluorescent probe strategy for the detection and discrimination of hydrogen peroxide and peroxynitrite in cells.

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Bolland HR. et al, (2022), Chem Commun (Camb), 58, 10699 - 10702

A DNA-structured mathematical model of cell-cycle progression in cyclic hypoxia.

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Celora GL. et al, (2022), J Theor Biol, 545

Elucidating the role of transiently hypoxic tumour cells on radiation resistance.

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Higgins GS. and Hammond EM., (2022), Br J Cancer, 126, 971 - 972

A DNA-structured mathematical model of cell-cycle progression in cyclic hypoxia

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Celora GL. et al, (2022), Journal of Theoretical Biology

Zap-Pano: a Photocaged Prodrug of the KDAC Inhibitor Panobinostat.

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Troelsen KS. et al, (2021), ChemMedChem, 16, 3691 - 3700

Development and pre-clinical testing of a novel hypoxia-activated KDAC inhibitor.

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Skwarska A. et al, (2021), Cell Chem Biol, 28, 1258 - 1270.e13

Replication catastrophe induced by cyclic hypoxia leads to increased APOBEC3B activity.

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Bader SB. et al, (2021), Nucleic Acids Res, 49, 7492 - 7506

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