Radiation Biophysics: Dosimetry
We can perform dosimetry for specialised irradiations and external facilities, traceable back to National Physical Laboratory standard. Dosimeter regularly used:
- Ion cambers
- Gafchromic films (room-light safe, self-developing radiation sensitive film) to determine the 2D variation in dose
- EBT3 (0.2 – 10 Gy)
- MD-V3 (1 – 100 Gy) - Thermoluminescence: TLD-100 and TLD-800
- Alanine
- Charged particle detection
- CR39 nuclear track detectors
- Fluorescent Nuclear Track Detectors (FNTD) - Spectrometry (gamma-rays and alpha-particles)
- Automated Liquid Scintillation Counting
Selected Publications
- Thompson et al (2019)Tracking down alpha-particles: the design, characterisation and testing of a shallow-angled alpha-particle irradiator. Radiat Prot Dosim 183, 264-269 [PMID: 30726978]
- Cole et al (2018) High-resolution μCT of a mouse embryo using a compact laser-driven X-ray betatron source. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 115, 635-640 [PMID: 29871946]
- Underwood et al (2015)Validation of a prototype DiodeAir for small field dosimetry.Phys Med Biol. 60, 2939-2953 [PMID: 25789823]
- Fiorini et al (2014) Under-response correction for EBT3 films in the presence of proton spread out Bragg peaks. Physica Medica 30, 454-461 [PMID: 24461335]
- Underwood et al (2013) Mass-density compensation can improve the performance of a range of different detectors under non-equilibrium conditions. Phys. Med. Biol. 58, 8295-8310 [PMID: 24216601]
- Underwood et al (2013) Detector density and small field dosimetry: Integral versus point dose measurement schemes. Med. Phys.40, 082101-1 - 082101-16 [PMID: 23927339]