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Shamir Montazid

Postdoctoral Researcher in Cancer Genetics and Evolution

Research groups

Research Summary

My overall research interest lies in oncology, stem cell biology, and ageing.

Currently I am working on the molecular mechanism explaining how mutations affecting Wnt and BMP signalling pathways are contributing to colorectal cancer. I am using genetically modified mouse models, in situ techniques, and a multi-omics approach to identify novel mechanisms of carcinogenesis and shortlist drug targets to harness therapeutic benefits for patients. 

Previously, I have completed a DPhil in Medical Sciences from University of Oxford (2023). My doctoral research focused on elucidating the adult stem cell dynamics of the naked mole rats, the longest living rodent that does not get cancer. During my MSc in Genetic Engineering at University of Dhaka (2017), I established a low-cost genotyping assay to identify clinically important CYP2C19 variants that can help cardiologists decide if a patient can activate Clopidogrel, an anti-platelet pro-drug. 

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