TARDOX :A Proof of Concept Study to Investigate the Feasibility of Targeted Release of Doxorubicin from Lyso-thermosensitive Liposomal (LTSL) Doxorubicin (ThermoDox®) Using Focused Ultrasound in Patients with Primary or Secondary Liver Tumours
Primary Publication: Radiology Vol 291, No. 1, Published Online January 2019, Print April 2019
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Completed Trials
- ARCADIAN: Atovaquone with Radical ChemorADIotherapy in locally Advanced NSCLC
- CEDAR: Chemoradiation with Enadenotucirev as a radiosensitiser in locally Advanced Rectal cancer
- IpiGlio: A Phase II, Open Label, Randomised Study of Ipilimumab with Temozolomide versus Temozolomide alone after surgery and chemoradiotherapy in patients with recently diagnosed glioblastoma
- OCTOVA: Paclitaxel, olaparib and cediranib in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer.
- CHARIOT: M6620 plus standard treatment in oesophageal and other cancer
- LUD 2015-005: ANTI-PD-L1 in combination with chemo(radio)therapy for oesophageal cancer
- SCALOP-2: Systemic therapy and Chemoradiation in Advanced Localised Pancreatic cancer–2
- CYTOFLOC: Cytosponge™ for post‐chemoradiation surveillance of oesophageal cancer
- FRONTIER: Fluciclovine (18F) imaging of breast cancer
- NuTide:301: Safety, pharmacokinetics and clinical activity of NUC-3373, a nucleotide analogue, in participants with advanced solid tumours.
- IMAGO: A single arm exploratory study examining the feasibility of imaging glioblastoma pH using CEST MRI
- TARDOX: Targeted chemotherapy using focused ultrasound for liver tumours
- CAMELLIA: Anti-CD47 antibody terapy in relapsed/refractory Haematological Malignancies
- ATOM: Atovaquone as Tumour HypOxia Modifier
- 6MP: A Phase II Clinical Trial in Patients with BRCA Defective Tumours
- AspECT: A Phase III, Randomised, study of Aspirin and Esomeprazole Chemoprevention in Barrett’s Metaplasia
- BKM120: Palliative thoracic radiotherapy plus BKM120
- CHOP-OR: Study of CHOP with Ofatumumab in Patients with Richter's Syndrome
- NEOPANC-01 - Pre-operative, Window-of-opportunity Study to Assess Gene Expression in Patients With Resectable, Locally Advanced, or Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer
- COG : Gefitinib for oesophageal cancer progressing after chemotherapy
- DATACAP: Dose Adaptation of Capecitabine Using Mobile Phone Toxicity Monitoring
- DEBIOC: Dual Erb B Inhibition in Oesophago-gastric Cancer
- DOC-MEK: A double-blind randomized phase 2 trial of docetaxel with or without selumetinib in wild-type BRAF advanced melanoma
- EnROL: Conventional versus laproscopic surgery for colorectal cancer within an enhanced programme
- FOXFIRE: An open-label randomised phase III trial of 5-Fluorouracil, OXaliplatin and Folinic acid +/- Interventional Radio-Embolisation as first line treatment for patients with unresectable liver-only or liver-predominant metastatic colorectal cancer
- LINES: Eurosarc Trial of Linsitinib in advanced Ewing Sarcoma
- MErCuRIC1: MEK and MET Inhibition in Colorectal Cance
- MPP: Application of mobile phone technology for managing chemotherapy-associated side-effects
- OXO-PCR-01: Oxford Ovarian Cancer Predict Chemotherapy Response 01
- PACMEL: A randomised phase 2 study of paclitaxel with or without GSK1120212 or pazopanib in advanced wt BRAF melanoma
- PemBla: A parallel group phase I/II marker lesion study to assess the safety, tolerability and efficacy of intravenous or intravesical pembrolizumab in intermediate risk recurrent non-muscle invasive bladder cancer
- ART: Anal squamous cell carcinoma: Investigation of functional imaging during chemoRadioTherapy
- RHYTHM-1: Modulation of Radiotherapy according to HYpoxia: exploiting changes in the Tumour Microenvironment to improve outcome in rectal cancer
- RADVAN: A randomised double blind phase 2 trial of whole brain radiotherapy with or without vandetanib in metastatic melanoma with brain metastases.
- SPARC: SBRT pre-operatively for pancreatic cancer
- VICTOR: Post-treatment stage of a Phase III, randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled study of rofecoxib (VIOXX®) in colorectal cancer patients following potentially curative therapy.
- WBRT: Whole Brain Radiotherapy following local treatment of intracranial metastases of melanoma – A randomised Phase III trial.
- QUASAR2: Multicentre international study of capecitabine ± bevacizumab as adjuvant treatment of colorectal cancer
- SONATINA: A Phase II Multi-Centre Randomised Controlled Study Of Nelfinavir Addition to Radiotherapy Treatment In Neo-Adjuvant Therapy for Rectal Cancer.
- SCOT: Short Course Oncology Treatment - A study of adjuvant chemotherapy in colorectal cancer by the CACTUS and OCTO groups.
- PanDox : Feasibility of Enhanced Chemotherapy Delivery to non-resectable Primary Pancreatic Tumours Using Thermosensitive Liposomal Doxorubicin (ThermoDox®) and Focused Ultrasound