A 180 mev injection system for the ISIS synchrotron
Jones B., Adams DJ., Hughes MC., Jago SJS., Smith HV., Warsop CM., Williamson RE.
The ISIS Facility at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK produces intense neutron and muon beams for condensed matter research. It accelerates 3×1013protons per pulse (ppp) at 50 Hz through a 70 MeV H-linac and an 800 MeV proton synchrotron, delivering a mean beam power of ∼0.2 MW. A favoured first step to upgrade ISIS towards the megawatt regime is replacement of the linac with a new 180 MeV injector described in [1]. Studies of this upgrade, which aims to increase mean beam power up to 0.5 MW are outlined in [2]. This paper summarises an initial design for a new injection system including considerations for beam dynamics and related hardware. Copyright © 2012 by IEEE.