An overview of the preparation and characteristics of the ISIS stripping foil
Smith HV., Jones B.
Copyright © 2014 CC-BY-3.0 and by the respective authors. The ISIS facility at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory is a pulsed neutron and muon source, for materials and life science research. H− ions are injected into an 800 MeV, 50 Hz rapid cycling synchrotron from a 70 MeV linear accelerator, over ~130 turns by charge exchange injection. Up to 3×1013 protons per pulse can be accelerated, with the beam current of 240 μA split between the two spallation neutron targets. The 40 × 120 mm aluminium oxide stripping foils used for injection are manufactured on-site. This paper gives an overview of the preparation and characteristics of the ISIS foils, including measurements of foil thickness and elemental composition. Consideration is also given to the beam footprint on the foil and how this could be optimised.