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Core biopsies of an area of microcalcification demonstrated large collections of macrophages containing haemosiderin, with evidence of minimal microcalcification on H&E staining. Algorithms were developed that were capable of differentiating with high accuracy those signs due to calcification, using quantitative measurements such as the apparent volume composition of calcium. Using the linear attenuation coefficients of calcification and assuming an ellipsoid model for the 3-dimensional shape of calcification, we computed the relative calcification volume for each region of interest. The difference in the linear attenuation coefficients of iron and calcification allowed the two to be differentiated on a mammogram based on this measure of relative calcification volume.

Original publication





Br J Radiol

Publication Date





1048 - 1051


Breast, Breast Diseases, Calcinosis, Coloring Agents, Diagnosis, Differential, Female, Hemosiderin, Humans, Macrophages, Mammography, Radiographic Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted