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Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel analyses of immunoprecipitates of HLA-D region antigens prepared from [35S]methionine-labeled B lymphoblastoid cells revealed a number of invariant polypeptides (Ii and theta) that co-precipitate with the alpha and beta polypeptides of the class II (Ia) antigens. The invariant polypeptides comprised at least three Ii spots of Mr = 31,000 (Ii1-Ii3) and a series of six theta spots of Mr = 34,000 (theta 1-theta 6). The structural inter-relationships of these polypeptides have been investigated. Tryptic peptide fingerprints showed that Ii and theta have closely related amino acid sequences. In contrast, the fingerprints of the HLA-DR alpha and beta polypeptides clearly differed from those of theta and Ii as well as from each other. Analyses of immunoprecipitates prepared from cells cultured in the presence of tunicamycin revealed the presence of two N-linked oligosaccharides on each invariant polypeptide and suggested that the more acidic theta polypeptides (theta 1 and theta 2) differed from the other invariant polypeptides by the presence of sialic acid on one or both N-linked oligosaccharides. Removal of sialic acid by neuraminidase simplified the pattern of theta spots into three distinct Ii-related polypeptides. Endo-beta-N-acetylglycosaminidase H digestion indicated that the individual theta polypeptides represent stages in carbohydrate processing whereby Ii with two N-linked immature oligosaccharides are converted initially to theta 6-theta 3 with one immature and one complex, but nonsialylated, oligosaccharide and finally to theta 2-theta 1 with two complex oligosaccharides. Digestion of the theta polypeptides with N-acetylgalactosamine oligosaccharidase indicated that the theta spots are also derived by O-glycosylation from the Ii polypeptides. This assignment is supported by results obtained using monensin to block glycosylation within the Golgi. At least three spots persisted after complete removal of the N- and O-linked oligosaccharides, suggesting the presence of a family of invariant polypeptides differing in amino acid sequence.



J Biol Chem

Publication Date





1927 - 1936


Acetylglucosaminidase, Amino Acid Sequence, Antibodies, Monoclonal, B-Lymphocytes, Carbohydrates, Cell Line, Histocompatibility Antigens Class II, Humans, Immunosorbent Techniques, Mannosyl-Glycoprotein Endo-beta-N-Acetylglucosaminidase, Monensin, N-Acetylneuraminic Acid, Neuraminidase, Peptide Fragments, Peptides, Sialic Acids, Trypsin, Tunicamycin, alpha-Galactosidase