The Radiation Biophysics Facility develops and supports a unique range of radiation resources and techniques along with providing associated expertise.
The Radiation Biophysics facilities range from those used for basic cell irradiations (including techniques capable of manipulating radiation fields on the sub-cellular micron scale) through to supporting and developing a SARRP image guided pre-clinical x-ray irradiator and includes developing techniques for dosimetry on clinical machines. One of the main research interests includes investigating how and why ionising radiation initiates a diverse range of biological responses. We are also interested in how this correlates to differences in the temporal and spatial pattern of energy deposition events on the scale of DNA, cells and tissues associated with different radiation qualities of ionizing radiation. Mechanisms are thus formulated which are interpreted in the context of risk associated with exposure or which can potentially be exploited in radiotherapy.
Radiation Biophysics provides a wide range of radiation resources and expertise, along with the development of novel radiation sources and techniques, typically designed and constructed in-house. These include:
- Gamma-irradiators for in vitro exposures
- X-ray irradiator for in vitro and in vivo exposures. Including:
- Partial or patterned irradiation of samples,
- Multidose exposures to multiwell plates. - SARRP Image guided pre-clinical irradiator enabling precision irradiation with sub-millimetre accuracy from variable beam direction after treatment planning
- High-LET alpha-particle irradiator for in vitro irradiations
- Ultrasoft x-rays for in vitro irradiations. Including:Irradiation of cell with 1 mm wide stripes for DNA repair studies
- Dosimetry for specialised irradiations and external facilities.
In addition the group also provides intellectual expertise on the appropriate use of irradiation facilities and interpretation of radiobiological studies.
To discuss your requirements, please contact Mark Hill.
Other activities include:
- Provision of Radiobiology advice & expertise
- Supporting FLASH irradiations
- Laser cutting/etching
- provision of outreach materials
- Radiation protection