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Oncology Education

Tom Whyntie


Teaching Fellow

  • Director of Studies, MSc in Medical Physics with Radiobiology and MSc in Radiobiology;
  • Deputy Information Custodian, Department of Oncology;
  • Advising researcher, MR Linac (imaging physics);
  • Data management consultant (clinical trials, imaging data).

Teaching Fellow in the Department of Oncology, specialising in radiation and imaging physics.

I am a Teaching Fellow at the University of Oxford's Department of Oncology.  My current role applies my experience with particle physics, medical imaging, radiotherapy, data management, and clinical trials to departmental teaching.  I am Director of Studies for the MSc in Medical Physics with Radiobiology and the MSc in Radiobiology courses.  I started out in particle physics, working on the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) and Monopole and Exotics Detector at the LHC (MoEDAL) experiments looking for dark matter and magnetic monopoles respectively.  While a Public Engagement Fellow for the UK Science and Technology Facilities, Council, I worked extensively in engaging wider publics with research and large-scale computing through the Institute for Research in Schools (IRIS) and GridPP Collaboration, and the CERN@school research programme.  I then entered the world of medical imaging through the analysis of clinical and research neuroimaging datasets, including the UK Biobank, and Magnetic Resonance-guided Radiotherapy (MRgRT) through my work with the ViewRay MRIdian MR-Linac.  I read Natural Sciences at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, specialising in Experimental and Theoretical Physics, and I completed my PhD at Imperial College London‘s High Energy Physics group and CERN.